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Dr. Smith’s Book Gives Parents Step-By-Step Instructions
for Preventing Ear Infections and Avoiding the Need for Surgery


This how-to book teaches parents healthy, effective, and do-it-yourself solutions for their children's ear infection problems so that they can avoid surgery or repeated courses of ever stronger antibiotics.  Today's standard therapy is reactive rather than preventive. Pediatricians typically treat each ear infection with an antibiotic after it develops. Then, as the numbers of infections rise, the pediatricians refer the child to a specialist for surgery. There is nothing in between.  


Over the past 35 years, the author has developed preventive medical strategies to fill that therapeutic gap.  His “cookbook” is a commonsense compendium of readily implemented step-by-step "recipes" that parents can use to prevent and control children's ear infections without the need for surgery. 


The book details medical recipes that first clean up the ears and nose from the aftermath of previous infections and then go on to prevent subsequent ear infections. This maximal medical management regimen is called Dr. Smith’s VIP Program where V stands for ventilation and IP stands for infection prevention. 


The ventilation cleanup process eliminates old debris and swollen linings in the ears and nasal cavities using washing, decongestion, humidification, and healthy feeding strategies. The infection prevention process aggressively prevents and treats the colds, nasal allergies, and stomach reflux that cause ear infections and ear fluid accumulations to occur and persist. 


Ear infections are the most common affliction of infants and younger children. These infections occur now more often than ever as more infants, toddlers, and young children are socializing in greater numbers at younger ages. More children are spending their days in day care and pre-school programs where the "common cold" viruses and some nasty bacteria run rampant. They are the chief reason for pediatric "sick" visits, and recurrent and persisting ear infections frequently lead to one of the most common surgical procedures performed in children which is ear tube insertion. 


The book is targeted toward parents, grandparents, and other caretakers of infants and children who are experiencing recurring ear infections. Secondary audiences would include day care staff, pre-school teachers and staff, and teachers of school age children. This book would also be of interest to health care professionals including pediatricians, pediatric nurse practitioners, general ear, nose, and throat specialists, and those training for these professions. 


The author, Howard G. Smith, M.D., is a pediatric otolaryngologist, a specialist with advanced training and experience treating the ear, nose, and throat problems of infants, children, and adolescents. In addition to practicing medicine, Dr. Smith has a long and continuing interest in educating the public about health care issues. A former radio medical editor and talk show host, he currently produces an internationally distributed podcast "Dr. Howard Smith Reports.


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Available as a paperback on priced at $14.99 with enhanced recipes-at-a-glance tables.


Available electronic editions for download all priced at $9.99:

• Amazon's Kindle Store for Kindle Edition to use on Kindle Reader and Kindle apps on iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry, Mac, and Windows.


• Apple's iBook Store for use on iPad, iPhone, and  iPod touch.


• Smashwords Store for the Do-It-Yourselfer to obtain the e-book download to your computer in the epub (iBook, Stanza), mobi (Kindle), PDB for use on Palm Readers, LRF for use on Sony Readers, PDF, RTF, and TXT.


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