RoundUp - 1st Week of November 2023
The Mediterranean Diet Improves Your Body’s Insulin Response
The more closely you adhere to the Mediterranean diet, the more effectively your body utilizes insulin. This is critical for type 2 diabetics who must make the most of the insulin they do produce. This effect of the Mediterranean diet consisting of fish, whole grains, nuts, seeds, olive oil, fruits, and vegetables was studied in a group of 62 overweight middle-aged participants by Italian public health researchers.
The subjects were divided into high and low Med Diet adherence groups. The data revealed that high diet adherence was associated with high sensitivity and low resistance to insulin. This evidence offers continued support for eating a Mediterranean diet, particularly for diabetics.
#mediterraneandiet #insulin #resistance #sensitivity #diabetes #obesity
mediterraneandiet, insulin, resistance, sensitivity, diabetes, obesity
Newly Discovered: Fetal Fentanyl Syndrome
Just reported is a new syndrome that results from the exposure of a developing fetus to the opioid fentanyl. Geneticists at Delaware’s Nemours Children’s Hospital have studied a group of 6 patients with short stature, small heads, unusual facial features, cleft palate, deformed hands and feet, and genital abnormalities. The study authors also reports 4 additional cases from other institutions.
Mirroring the fetal alcohol syndrome which also presents with slow physical growth, small heads, brain abnormalities, distinctive facial features, and limb deformities, fetal fentanyl syndrome results from metabolic aberrations during gestation that result from intentional or accidental exposure to this recreational narcotic. Genetic studies on these infants failed to detect DNA abnormalities that explain these unique features so Fetal Fentanyl Syndrome is the result of the drug’s chemical toxicity.
Abuse of fentanyl, a synthetic opioid 50-100 times more potent than morphine, is the driver for overdose deaths that have surged some 22 fold over a recent 8 year period. Now we know that exposure to this dangerous drug by pregnant women also results in extreme toxicity to the developing fetus.
#fentanyl #pregnancy #fetalfentanylsyndrome #fetalalcoholsyndrome #teratogenicity
fentanyl, pregnancy, fetalfentanylsyndrome, fetalalcoholsyndrome, teratogenicity
Eyes Predict Depression Relief Using Magnetic Brain Therapy
Patients suffering from depression who evidenced greater eye pupillary constriction after exposure to light enjoyed better relief of their depressive symptoms following treatment with transcranial magnetic stimulation or TMS. UCLA neuroscientists report this finding following their study of 51 patients with major depressive disorders who were undergoing daily TMS.
Their data reveal a direct correlation between the strength of the so-called pupillary light reflex and the percentage of relief from depressive symptoms after magnetic brain stimulation.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a non-invasive technique during which focused magnetic fields bathe portions of the brain. Looking to predict which patients will benefit most from this therapy, clinicians have studied various signals from the human involuntary nervous system including the variability of heart rate and the pupillary light reflex. These nervous system fluctuations occur involuntarily as responses to stress, fear, and danger. The pupillary light reflex is easily triggered, occurs rapidly, and is easily measured making it an ideal predictive test.
#transcranialmagneticstimulation #TmS #depression #pupillarylightreflex
transcranialmagneticstimulation, TmS, depression, pupillarylightreflex
A Sleepless Night Could Lift Your Spirits
An isolated night with little or no sleep seems to produce a “punch-drunk” state with accompanying mood elevation that lasts for days afterward. Northwestern University neurobiologists report this seemingly paradoxical effect after reproducing this common human situation in a preclinical mouse model.
After inducing acute sleep deprivation in the animals, analysis shows increased brain dopamine release and enhanced synaptic plasticity. This biochemical brain rewiring is associated with a persistent happier mood which the animals evidence by hyperactivity and hypersexuality.
The researchers remind us that chronic sleep deprivation is harmful so pulling repeated all nighters is not a strategy for treating a persistent gloomy outlook let alone clinical depression. On the other hand, the effects of an isolated sleepless night may represent the persistence of a phenomenon whereby animals and prehistoric humans reacted with a predator threat with persisting vigilance and the ability to fight or quickly flee.
#mood #depression #sleepdeprivation #dopamine #hyperactivity
mood, depression, sleepdeprivation, dopamine, hyperactivity
Smartphone Use Associated With Diminishing Sperm Numbers
Men on their phones more than 20 times a day have a 21% higher risk of a subnormal absolute sperm count and a 30% higher risk of having a low sperm concentration. Swiss epidemiologists report these findings following their study of 2886 men 18 to 22 years of age.
All participants submitted semen samples and completed a health and lifestyle questionnaire including their cellphone use habits. In addition to the worrisome sperm count and concentration findings, the data did show some positives: sperm shape and motility were unaffected by cellphone use.
Among the one in every six couples who experience infertility, the male partner is found be the source of conception problems in about half. Other studies have reported a significant overall decline in sperm quality over the past decades. This has been attributed rising rates of obesity, alcohol consumption, stress, and toxins in our environment and food. In the case of cellphones, studies have shown that the electromagnetic fields the phones produce reduce sperm cell production and trigger sperm cell death.
So…. Guys. Maybe give your cell phones a break. At least use them with earphones and keep them as far as possible from your body when they are actively transmitting radio signals.
#sperm #concentration #spermcount #cellphones #electromagneticfields #infertility
sperm, concentration, spermcount, cellphones, electromagneticfields, infertility
Anger Can Power Your Best Efforts
Happiness is contentment, but emotion and even angry emotion is what gets things done. Texas A&M psychologists report this somewhat surprising finding following their completion of six studies involving 1,000 plus participants and their analysis of survey responses from more than 1400 persons.
In each of the studies, an angry emotion was elicited in various ways including exposure to negative illustrations, generation of levels of frustration, and reaction to political situations. Performance was measured when participants were faced with a variety of challenges including puzzles, performing on a Nintendo Wii, responding quickly in a computer game, or by voting behavior as quantified in survey results.
The trend across the 6 studies was that the participants performed better when in the angry state. As examples, anger increased the numbers of puzzles solved and the reaction times in the computer games.
Anger and associated frustration can be a powerful motivator. As those most successful in science, business, and novel writing will tell you, the path to success is often facilitated by multiple failures along the way. In addition to showing what doesn’t work, these misfires also create stronger emotions that no doubt fuel efforts which eventually pay off.
#anger #progress #achievements #happiness #performance #success #failure
anger, progress, achievements, happiness, performance, success, failure
Using Magnets To Trigger Brain Activity
Bioengineers at Rice University have developed a novel metamaterial that can generate a steady microvolt electrical current when its exposed to an alternating magnetic field. Implanting this material in select portions of the brain would permit clinicians to stimulate specific neural centers by exposing a patient to a focused magnetic field. The device requires no internal power source. So far, the researchers have used the material to wirelessly trigger nerve signals in the peripheral nerves of experimental animals. With refinement, the technique could come to the clinic…..Someday soon.
#metamaterial #magnetoelectric #neurons #implants #stimulation
metamaterial, magnetoelectric, neurons, implants, stimulation
Microfluidic Test System Allows Multi-Organ Testing
A literal “body on a chip” permits the testing of drugs and other biologics on multiple organs simultaneously. Developed at Northwestern University, the so-called Lattice device permits the simultaneous testing of potential therapeutics on up to 8 different organ systems. The organ tissue samples or artificially-generated organoids are placed in separate wells, and the medications to be tested flow into each well via micro-channels. Another function of Lattice permits testing the effects of one organ on another or others. For example, a hormone-producing organ in one well is bathed in nutrient media that picks up the hormones and carries them to other wells containing other organs. It’s a brave new world, and it’s coming……Someday soon.
#microfluidics #organoids #drugtesting #lattice
microfluidics, organoids, drugtesting, lattice
AI-Driven ECG Interpretation Detects Heart Disease Earlier
The Mayo Clinic and a biotech spinoff Anuman have developed 3 separate ECG-AI models that together can pinpoint hearts at risk for potentially devastating attacks some 3 years earlier. These independent AI algorithms look at coronary arterial calcium deposits, coronary arterial blockages, and left ventricular wall movement abnormalities. To develop these models, the researchers retrospectively analyzed the electronic medical records of more than 7 million patients from across the US. Anumana specializes in the use of AI to develop enhanced interpretive models for analysis of ECGs and ECHO cardiograms that not only predict coronary artery-related disease but also arrhythmias, degenerative heart disease, valvular disease, and pulmonary hypertension.
#AI #ECG #coronaryarterydisease #myocardial #echo #mayo #anumana
AI, ECG, coronaryarterydisease, myocardial, echo, mayo, anumana
Mini-Refrigerator-Sized Bioreactor For Growing Immune Cells
Bioengineeers at the Washington State University have developed a relatively compact machine for rapidly growing the T killer cells employed by many immunotherapeutic regimens to destroy cancer cells. Their system utilizes centrifugal flow techniques to accelerate immune cell propagation to a speed 30% faster than most current techniques. Since one popular and effective cancer immuotherapy, the CAR-T strategy used for treating leukemias, requires as many as 250 million modified T-cells for each infusion, rapid amplification of T cell numbers is mandatory. The researchers are hard at work modifying this initial bioreactor in order to produce greater numbers of cells even faster. Patents are pending to facilitate commercialization.
#bioreactor #centrifugalflow #tcells #immunotherapy #cart #leukemia
bioreactor, centrifugalflow, tcells, immunotherapy, cart, leukemia
CPSC Recalls
Creativity Street Craft Buttons Are Toxic
Recall By: CPSC; Dixon Ticonderoga
Problem: These children’s craft buttons contain toxic lead levels above the federal lead content safe specification. Lead is neurotoxic to the developing child brain.
Sold: About 890 button seats were sold at Blick Art Materials and Staples stores nationwide and online at,,,, and
Actions: Take these recalled buttons away from your children and contact Dixon Ticonderoga Customer Service at 1-800-333-2545 or via the email to receive a prepaid mailer in order to return the buttons and receive a refund.
#creativitystreet #buttons #children #lead #toxicity #recall
creativitystreet, buttons, children, lead, toxicity, recall
Murf Electric Bikes Are Unsafe
Recall By: CPSC; Murf Electric Bikes LLC
Problem: These electric bikes do not meet US safety standards for effective braking power due to a brake control line defect and this leads to falls and injuries.
Sold: About 9,000 electric bikes were sold at Murf’s store in San Clemente, CA, at bicycle stores nationwide, and online at
Actions: Immediately stop using these electric bikes until you have contacted Murf at 1-888-855-0770, watched the online video, and made the repair to the brake lines.
#murf #electricbike #brakes #falls #injuries #recall
murf, electricbike, brakes, falls, injuries, recall
Multiple Brands of Heating Boilers Emit Toxic Gas
Recall By: CPSC; Lochinvar
Problem: Lochinvar, A.O. Smith, and State Industries brandwed condensing residential boilers have defective flue collectors that crack allowing the boiler to release carbon monoxide that may poison and kill you. Carbon monoxide ties up the hemoglobin in your red blood cells preventing them from carrying oxygen and killing you.
Sold: About 17, 370 of these boilers were sold in the US and about 782 units were sold in Canada by independent contractors, plumbers, and plumbing supply vendors and distributors between August 2021 through September 2023.
Actions: If you have one of these boilers in your home, contact your installer to verify that your boiler is recalled and to schedule a free repair.
#boilers #lochinvar #aosmith #stateindustries #carbonmonoxide #poisoning #recall
boilers, lochinvar, aosmith, stateindustries, carbonmonoxide, poisoning, recall
Uncle Wu Infant Seats May Drown Your Baby
Recall By: CPSC; UncleWu Life
Problem: Uncle Wu Infant Bath Seats fail to meet federal safety regulations for infant baths seats including stability and leg opening size. They can tip over leading to infant drowning.
Sold: About 360 bath seats were sold at
Actions: Immediately stop using these recalled infant bath seats and contact UncleWu Life via email at to receive a pre-paid label to return the infant bath seat. Alternatively, I’d contact Amazon customer service.
#unclewu #amazon #bathseat #tipping #drowning #recall
unclewu, amazon, bathseat, tipping, drowning, recall
Yoocaa Baby Loungers May Suffocate Your Baby
Recall By: CPSC; Yoocaa Direct
Problem: Yoocaa Baby Loungers fail to meet federal safety standards as they lack a stand and have dangerously short side heights, overly thick sleeping pads, and openings at the foot of the lounger that could entrap the baby.
Sold: About 4140 baby loungers were sold at
Actions: Stop using these baby loungers and contact Yoocaa Direct by email at for instructions about receiving a full refund. Alternatively, I’d contact Amazon customer service.
#yoocadirect #babylounger #falls #suffocation #entrapment #recall
yoocadirect, babylounger, falls, suffocation, entrapment, recall
Grizzly Industrial and Shop Fox Wood Lathes Can Shoot You
Recall By: Cpsc; Grizzly Industrial Inc.
Problem: Grizzly Industrial and Shop Fox Wood Lathes have defective cutting tools that can break off creating projectiles that strike the operator and bystanders with lacerations and other injuries.
Sold: About 21,300 of these lathes were sold in the US and about 60 were sold in Canada were sold at Alaska Industrial Hardware, Bibb Tool Co., Workshop Tools Inc., Bargain Supply, Big Tool Store and other hardware stores nationwide, and online at, The Home Depot, Northern Tool, Hardware Sales, Optics Planet and and on other websites.
Actions: Stop using these recalled wood lathes and contact Grizzly Industrial at 1-888-615-7944 or via email at to receive a free repair kit.
#grizzly #woodlathe #cuttingtool #projectiles #iinjuries #lacerations #recall
grizzly, woodlathe, cuttingtool, projectiles, iinjuries, lacerations, recall
FDA Recalls
LEADER and Rugby branded Over-the-counter Eye Drops Are Contaminated
Recall By: Fda; Cardinal Health, Inc.; Harvard Drug Group, Inc.
Problem: LEADER and Rugby branded over-the-counter eye drops including eye irritant relief, dry eye relief, and lubricant eye drops were manufactured in facilities with unsanitary conditions that lead to drop contamination and lack of necessary sterility.
Actions: If you have any of these eye drops, do not use them. For LEADER products, contact Sedgwick, Inc. by phone at 1-855-215-4940 or via email at for a refund. For Rugby branded products, contact Harvard Drug by phone at 1-866-891-1981 or via email at for a refund.
#leader #rugby #cardinalhealth #harvarddrug #eyedrops #contamination #recall
leader, rugby, cardinalhealth, harvarddrug, eyedrops, contamination, recall.
Wana Bana Apple Cinnamon Fruit Puree Is Toxic
Recall By: Fda; Wanabana LLC
Problem: WanaBana Apple Cinnamon Fruit Purée pouches contain elevated lead levels. Lead is neurotoxic to the developing child brain.
Actions: If you have any WanaBana Apple Cinnamon Fruit Purée pouches at home, do not feed the product to your baby. Contact WanaBana via the email to check if your lot is included in the recall and to arrange for a full refund.
#wanabana #applecinnamon #child #pouch #lead #toxicity #recall
wanabana, applecinnamon, child, pouch, lead, toxicity, recall
Victor Super Premium and Breeders Choice Dog Foods Have Salmonella Contamination
Recall By: Fda; Mid-America Pet Food; Blue Ridge Beef
Problem: Victor Super Premium Dog Food, Select Beef Meal & Brown Rice Formula with a Best By date of 6/12/2024 and Breeders Choice Raw dog food Lot# 8/2/24 both have salmonella contamination. These pet foods can trigger a gastroenteritis for your dog who can pass the bacterium on to you leading to a similar gastrointestinal infection with progression to a systemic septicemia.
Actions: Do not feed these products to your dog. Carefully destroy the products so that children, pets, and wildlife will not consume them. For more information and refunds, contact Mid America Pet Food Consumer Affairs at or 1-888-428-7544 or Blue Ridge Beef at 1-704-880-4500 or via the email
#midamerica #blueridge #victor #dogfood #salmonella #infection #recall
midamerica, blueridge, victor, dogfood, salmonella, infection, recall