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I began broadcasting health news and commentary 36 years ago in the Boston Metro area as the Medical Editor and Talk Show Host for WBZ-AM.  I broadcast weekly health news reports, hosted a 2 hour call-in talk program., OnCall with Dr. Howard Smith, Sunday mornings.  Due to the program's popularity, I added Monday through Friday midday editions.  For examples of my broadcasts, please visit the BROADCAST DEMOS PAGE.

After leaving Boston for Southern California at the end of 1991, I put broadcasting on hold while adding healthcare management responsibilities to my clinical activities.  I resumed broadcasting in 2006 joining a group of podcasting early adopters utilizing the capabilities of the internet.


More recently, I have adopted the 21st century technology of video as well as audio podcasting as conduits for my health and wellness reports, Health News You Should Use, and my timely Recall Reports from the FDA and the Consumer Product Safety Commission. 

Prior to 2023, I have filed news reports and health news roundups as audio podcasts and vidcasts each week.  My audio podcast, Dr. Howard Smith Oncall, has been distributed on: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Audible, and others.  My Vidcast, Dr. Howard Smith Reports, has beeb distributed on: TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Spotify, and Facebook.

Currently, both my video and audio podcasts are titled Dr. Howard Smith Reports.  I am distributing my broadcasts on: TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Spotify, Telegram, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Wordpress, SiriusXM, Mastodon, Tribal, BlueSky, and Threads.

My TikTok handle is @dr._Howard_Smith

My Twitter handle is @DrHSmithReports

My Instagram handle is @drhowardsmithreports

On LinkedIn I'm Howard G. Smith,MD,AM

My FaceBook handle is @DrHSmithReports

My Spotify link is

My Wordpress link is

My Mastodon handle is @Drhowardsmith

My Threads handle is drhowardsmithreports

My BlueSky handle is

My Tribel handle is @drhowardsmith

My Amazon podcasts link is

My Telegram link is

My Google podcast link is

If you have questions or suggestions about any of my content, please email me at or leave me a message at 516-778-8864Thank you for listening and enjoy!

Please note that the news, views, commentary, and opinions that I provide are for informational purposes only.  Any changes that you or members of your family contemplate making to lifestyle, diet, medications, or medical therapy should always be discussed beforehand with the medical team supervising your care.


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